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The Dieting Cycle

Updated: Jul 8, 2021

So you have decided to go on a diet…again! You try to restrict food to lose weight, you feel deprived of the foods you are restricting, you give into temptation and eat the ‘forbidden’ food whilst thinking, ‘I shouldn’t be having this.’ You eat it quickly, don’t enjoy it and probably eat more than you should! You feel better for a short time but then the guilt sets in…you feel uncomfortable, like a failure and angry at yourself for not having the strength to resist temptation. You may restrict again to counteract the amount of ‘forbidden’ food you just had…then the cycle starts all over again!

Does this sound like you? Can you relate to what I have just said? If so, continue reading for tips about how to break the cycle.

1. Eat for health, not just weight loss

Make food choices that will nourish your body, taste good and that you enjoy.

2.Respect your body

Respect and care for what you have. Don’t try to be someone you are not.‘Good’ vs. ‘Bad’ foods

Avoid labeling foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. All foods can be enjoyed in moderation. Labeling a food as ‘bad’ or ‘forbidden’ only increases your desire to consume the food!

3. Dealing with negative emotions

Try to avoid dealing with emotions of anxiousness, anger, boredom or loneliness with food. Food may provide short-term comfort, however it will not solve the problem. Adopt other ways of dealing with these emotions without food.

4. Be in touch with your body’s hunger & fullness signals

Aim to include at least 3 meals a day had at around the same time each day. Base these meals around the five food groups to ensure you are providing your body with the energy and nutrients it requires.

If you are a fast eater, slow down your pace of eating and enjoy your food to allow signals from your stomach to reach your brain to tell you when you are full.

5. Exercise for health

Instead of concentrating on exercising to lose weight, focus on how exercising makes your body feel and the benefits exercise serves.

If this sounds like you and you would like some help breaking the ‘dieting cycle’, book an appointment with our Dietitian on (08) 6162 2616 or book online here.

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