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No time to exercise? You need these insider tips!

Updated: Jul 8, 2021

Exercise can sometimes be an overwhelming thought for people. Our recommended physical activity guidelines increase as we become more of a sedentary nation. Statistics continue to show and prove that the less we move our body, the higher risk we have of almost every chronic disease. And yet still, peoples feet seem to stay still. Below are some tips to help you kick the habits, educate you on exercise and your everyday life and inspire you to beat the every growing odds.

What is physical activity and what is sedentary behaviour?

Physical activity is any activity that gets your body moving, makes your breathing become quicker and your heart beat faster. You can be physically active in many different ways, at any time of day

Sedentary behaviour is classed as sitting or lying down (except for when you are sleeping). It is common to spend large amounts of time being sedentary when at work, when travelling or during leisure time

What should we be doing?

  • Adults between the ages of 18-64 are recommended to 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, and 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week

  • Older populations over 65 years are recommended to exercise for 30 minutes at moderate intensity most days

  • Moderate intensity exercise you should be able to carry out whilst holding a conversation, while vigorous activities require more effort which makes you breath harder

So now how do you actually do it?

Exercise and your Social Life

Research suggests that having friends and being social promotes a healthy lifestyle. This is particularly evident in our older populations, with statistics showing that social isolation in older adults carries increased risks of obesity. The benefits of socialising and exercise include having someone there to help motivate you, share your experience with and it can provide great opportunities to meet new people! Your social life enjoyment should not just revolve around food and drink. Socialising can be active too.

  • Challenge yourself: There is a recreational sport out there for everyone, at all levels. Team environments encourage and promote great social interaction, and can increases your level of commitment as often you are committed for an entire season

  • Join an exercise class: Another great way to meet people, which removes the thinking element to your exercise, as the instructor has the whole class prepared for you

  • Find an exercise buddy: Try and find someone you can depend on, that is on the same level of fitness as you. Go for a walk around the river, join an exercise class or go for a bike ride

  • Help the community and your health: There’s no motivation quite like exercising to raise awareness and money for charity. There are events for all fitness and activity levels, from 200km bike rides to 2km walks

Excuses? What Excuses?

We’ve heard them all. And while we understand that life gets busy, the thing that people often forget is that exercising leads to a healthier you. To support the people around you that you love the most, the work efficiently in your job and to get optimum enjoyment out of life, you need to be the best you can be. So here is how you can get rid of the excuses once and for all:

  • Wake up early: Waking up 30 minutes earlier is a great way to get exercise ticked off the list. Go for a run or walk around the neighbourhood, and you’ll find that that run will be more effective than your morning coffee!

  • Involve your family: Play a game of cricket in the backyard after dinner or go for a walk before or after meals. This will also teach your children good exercise habits which will give them the best chance to lead a healthy lifestyle

  • Sick of traffic? Ride or walk to work

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator

  • Take fitness breaks at work: rather than a coffee break, take a short walk around the block. Remember, exercise improves brain function by maintaining the size of your hippocampus, which is responsible for long and short term memory

  • Put it on your calendar: If you schedule it into your day like you would a meeting, it is easier for it become part of your routine rather than a chore. Don’t change your exercise plan for every change that comes along

  • Make chores count: Do household chores at a pace that gets your heart pumping

  • Get more out of those daily errands: Park your car further away from the grocery store entrance or get off the bus a few stops earlier. Every bit counts

At the end of the day, exercise doesn’t have to be a chore, and there are plenty of ways that you can improve your outlook and participation in exercise. If you still aren’t sure, have co-morbidities or chronic illness which makes it more difficult to exercise, our Exercise Physiologists can help. For more information, or to book an appointment, call 6161 4091 or click the button below.

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